3 Science-Backed Benefits Of CBD Oil And How To Use It Safely - Grow Life 420

3 Science-Backed Benefits Of CBD Oil And How To Use It Safely

November 28, 2020

#KahliBuds #MMJ #CBD #THC

CBD, or cannabidiol, is a type of chemical found in the same plant that produces marijuana.

CBD is different from marijuana though, and will not make you “high.” That’s because it does not contain the main psychoactive compound in cannabis, THC, which is the chemical responsible for the intoxicating feeling associated with consuming marijuana.

Recently, CBD has gained traction in the scientific community for its ability to treat multiple conditions — from chronic pain to epilepsy. Here are some of the benefits of CBD oil and whether science says it might be helpful for you.

– Read the entire article at Insider.


via www.KahliBuds.com

Lia Tabackman, Insider, KahliBuds, 420GrowLife

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