How To Make Cannabutter - Grow Life 420

How To Make Cannabutter

January 08, 2020

#KahliBuds #MMJ #CBD #THC

If you want to experience the effects of cannabis without having to smoke it, knowing how to make cannabutter is a must. If you’ve never tried the process, it may seem intimidating. However, if you have a kitchen you can stink up, it’s actually easy. There are several ways to make cannabutter with just weed, butter and a few tools found in most kitchens. We’ll go over one of the simplest methods for making cannabutter.


Before you start learning how to make cannabutter make sure you have access to salted butter, cannabis, a stovetop, oven, cheesecloth, mason jar, non-stick oven-safe pan and a saucepan or pot.

A grinder is another useful tool. However, you don’t want one that will pulverize the weed into a powder like a coffee grinder. That would allow plant material through the strainer adding the taste of plant matter to the cannabutter.


The best way to make cannabutter without too strong of a cannabis flavor is to decarboxylate the weed before cooking it in butter. Decarboxylation is the process in which the nonpsychoactive THCA converts to THC. Cannabis can become partially decarboxylated by drying or curing over extended periods of time. However, you’ll need an oven for complete decarboxylation.

The general consensus on decarboxylation from both researchers and those with experience making edibles is that lower temperatures for longer times provide the best results. A group of scientists in Holland experimented to find the best temperature and time to completely bake THCA into THC. They found 230 °F for 110 minutes was the best way to completely decarboxylate fresh material.

To begin the process, grind at least an ounce of weed per 4 sticks of butter and spread it onto a non-stick baking pan while the oven preheats to 230 °F. Cover the pan with aluminum foil before putting it in the oven to bake. If you have aged or partially decarboxylated material the time in the oven can be reduced.


Once you have your decarboxylated cannabis ready, you can add a cup of water and a cup of salted butter into the saucepan or pot. Salted butter is better for long-simmering because it has a higher smoke point. Simmer over low heat on the stovetop adding the decarboxylated cannabis while stirring. Keep the heat under 200 °F to preserve as many cannabinoids and terpenoids as possible. It should never come to a boil and it should be stirred regularly. Monitor it to ensure it never gets hot enough to burn.


Line the cheesecloth on top of a jar or into a funnel and on top of a jar. Allow the butter to strain. You can squeeze the cheesecloth once liquid stops seeping through to make sure all the good stuff has made its way through. If your material is too fine, some can make it through the cheesecloth and add the taste of plant matter to your butter.


When the butter has been completely strained, you can set the plant material aside for later use or toss it out. Place the jar in a refrigerator for long-term storage.

Edibles are known to be unpredictable. You can change this testing the potency of your butter before using a lot of it for a meal. A half teaspoon or less on a piece of warm toast is a great way to gauge the potency of your final product. If you don’t feel anything within an hour try increasing the dose until you reach your desired effects. Take note of the amount it takes to get you to where you want to be for future recipes.

You can also make cannabutter with the help of a slow cooker or a device intended for making cannabis-infused butter. If you don’t have either of those the method we shared above will work in most homes. It only takes a few hours to make enough cannabutter to make several meals.

The post How To Make Cannabutter appeared first on Green Rush Daily.



Green Rush Daily, KahliBuds, 420GrowLife

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